Having written a trilogy on Marc Antony, I happen to have a real weakness for anything related to the ancient world. Whether, it's ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, you name it... So when another author writes about the ancient world, I definitely want to support his/her talents.
Micheál Cladáin fits perfectly into this category, and his book Hammer takes place at the end of the Iron Age, when Britannia was still warring with Rome. Druids, mysterious, misty isles, duty, and conflict between a super-power and a culture
It thrills me when one of you readers contacts me and says, "Brook, keep the recommendations coming! I love finding these new books!" So here's another one. And I warmly welcome Micheál back again to Brook's Journal.
Read ON, everybody!

About the Book
Genonn's tired and he dreams of a remote roundhouse in the Cuala Mountains.
However, sudden rebellion in Roman Britain destroys that dream because the Elder Council tasks him with delivering Lorg Mór, the hammer of the Gods, to the tribes across the straits of Pwll Ceris. Despite being torn between a waning sense of duty and his desire to become a hermit, Genonn finally agrees to help.
When his daughter follows him into danger, it tests his resolve. He wants to do everything he can to see her back to Druid Island and her mother. This new test of will means he is once again conflicted between duty and desire. Ultimately, his sense of duty wins; is it the right decision? Has he done the right thing by relegating his daughter’s safety below his commitment to the clans?

All about Micheál
Micheál has been an author for many years. He studied Classics and developed a love of Greek and Roman culture through those studies. In particular, he loved their mythologies. As well as a classical education, bedtime stories consisted of tales read from a great tome of Greek Mythology, and Micheál was destined to become a storyteller from those times.
Connect with Micheál

Hammer is available to read on #KindleUnlimited.
Thank you so much for hosting Micheál Cladáin today, Brook. xx